Put Grapher’s powerful graphing and data analysis features to the test and better understand your data. Learn about features and download a free trial. However, creating a scientific graph in Mac is very difficult for me. The most intuitive scientific plotting, curve fitting, and statistics program I have ever used. Virtualbox is free and VMware Fusion is free for some academic institutions.

Veusz – a scientific plotting package Veusz is a scientific plotting and graphing program with a graphical user interface, designed to produce publication-ready 2D and plots. In addition it can be used as a module in Python for plotting. Veusz is multiplatform, running on Windows, Linux/Unix and macOS.


It supports vector and bitmap output, including PDF, Postscript, SVG and EMF. With the help of a tutorial the program can be used by the novice user and is flexible for advanced work. In Veusz plots are created by building up plotting widgets with a consistent object-based interface, where the user sets the properties of the widgets.

There are many options for customization of plots. See, and to see what can be done with the program. It allows data to be imported from text, CSV, HDF5 and FITS files.

Datasets can also be entered within the program and new datasets can be created via the manipulation of existing datasets using mathematical expressions and more. The program can also be extended, by adding plugins supporting importing new data formats, different types of data manipulation or for automating tasks.

This article was last updated February 2015 Mac users have had Apple Maps on their machines since the launch of OSX Mavericks in 2013, but it is not a business mapping tool. For consumers rather than business users Like Google Maps, Apple Maps will certainly help you find places you want to go and also provide directions on how to get there. However, it will not allow you to upload data or plot it on a map (not to mention carry out analysis and create reports) so it’s a product that’s really for consumers rather than business users with specific location data needs. In terms of accessibility, you can create maps using Apple Maps and then send them to your iPhone. Again, this is a great feature if you want to get from A to B, though it does seem rather cumbersome to create something on one device and then send it to another device. Where does that leave Android users? You can, alternatively, upload your maps to iCloud and then access them through any other Mac device – iPhone, iPad, MacBook, etc.

But therein lies the rub: it has to be a Mac device. Not an Android phone or a PC computer. I have a Mac computer, but use an Android cell phone – so where does that leave me? Back to using online mapping software There are two reasons to map online: First of all, when I create my maps (on my Mac), I am not tied to a specific operating system: because it is cloud-based, online mapping software is not dependent on device software, since the mapping application and the maps I have created are stored in an external server. This also saves me using up any precious storage space on my computer. Chrome for desktop mac. Secondly, although Apple Maps does have a sharing function, once again this is flawed by not being cross-platform.

All good and well if I am running a business and Apple Maps helps me plot potential customers (for my sales team to contact) on a map but what if my sales team use PC computers rather than the more expensive Apple Macs? They’re not going to be able to read the maps I send them. The conclusion Business Mapping software for Mac devices has not been made obsolete by Apple Maps. While the latter is a handy application for Mac users, the closed world in which it exists has limited impact for other mapping software, particularly online mapping software.