Dovetail is a new qualitative research analysis and collaboration tool designed specifically to analyse free text survey answers. We’re not open source, but we do run on Mac because we’re cloud-based. The Gnome Chemistry Utils provide some programs and a library containing Gtk widgets and some C++ classes related to chemistry. Provide C++ classes and Gtk -2 widgets related to chemistry. Gnome Chemistry Utils software provides C++ classes and Gtk -2 widgets related to chemistry. They are used in both Gnome Crystal and GChemPaint.

Over 10,000,000 page views! Jmol/JSmol is a molecular viewer for 3D chemical structures that runs in four independent modes: an HTML5-only web application utilizing jQuery, a Java applet, a stand-alone Java program (Jmol.jar), and a 'headless' server-side component (JmolData.jar). Jmol can read many file types, including PDB, CIF, SDF, MOL, PyMOL PSE files, and Spartan files, as well as output from Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, VASP, CRYSTAL, CASTEP, QuantumEspresso, VMD, and many other quantum chemistry programs. Files can be transferred directly from several databases, including RCSB, EDS, NCI, PubChem, and MaterialsProject. Multiple files can be loaded and compared.

A rich scripting language and a well-developed web API allow easy customization of the user interface. Features include interactive animation and linear morphing. Jmol interfaces well with JSpecView for spectroscopy, JSME for 2D->3D conversion, POV-Ray for images, and CAD programs for 3D printing (VRML export).

A GUI application which estimates toxic hazard of chemical compounds. CIF2Cell is a tool to generate the geometrical setup for various electronic structure codes from a CIF (Crystallographic Information Framework) file. The program currently supports output for a number of popular electronic structure programs, including ABINIT, ASE, CASTEP, CP2K, CPMD, CRYSTAL09, Elk, EMTO, Exciting, Fleur, FHI-aims, Hutsepot, MOPAC, Quantum Espresso, RSPt, Siesta, SPR-KKR, VASP. Also exports some related formats like.coo,.cfg The program has been published in Computer Physics Communications 182 (2011) 1183–1186. Please cite generously. JSmol is the extension of the Java-based molecular visualization applet Jmol ( as an HTML5 JavaScript-only web app.

Autocad for mac autodesk student It can be used in conjunction with the Java applet to provide an alternative to Java when the platform does not support that (iPhone/iPad) or does not support applets (Android). Used in conjunction with the Jmol JavaScript Object (JSmol seamlessly offers alternatives to Java on these non-Applet platforms. JSmol can read all the files that Jmol reads. You can do all the scripting that Jmol does. You can create all the buttons and links and such that you are used to creating for Jmol. All of the rendering capability of the Jmol applet is there.

JSmol has both a console and a popup menu. JSmol is integrated fully with JSME and JSpecView. A 'lite' version of JSmol provides minimal functionality (balls and sticks only) for extremely small-bandwith apps.

Released 1/12/2013. ThermV thermal analysis software package aims to provide the most sophisticated automatic analysis of thermal analysis data (TG/DTG, DTA and DSC). It offers new algorithm for concurrent peak deconvolution at different heating rates and provides full kinetic analysis of these data, including isoconversional methods for Ea, determination of reaction model and full kinetic triplet, Avrami coefficients, and dimensionality of crystal growth for reactions in the solid state. The project is currently in alpha stage, where individual modules will be provided for data analysis. The modules for peak deconvolution, peak profile analysis and determination of Ea and lnA will be provided first. Full GUI will be provided in beta stage.