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Member 11739136 3-Jun-15 6:24 3-Jun-15 6:24 I try to write a program to save picture taken by a webcam, so your article help me a lot, is wel explained etc but. When i try to execute the programm i got this error: Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: VideoCapture cannot be resolved to a type VideoCapture cannot be resolved to a type Highgui cannot be resolved at VideoCap.main( I had read again and again to find my error but can't find it, could you help me please?

In this video you will learn how to compile and install OpenCV 3.0.0. And above in OS X Yosemite and El Capitan (the process is exactly the same for both) First you will install Xcode and CMake.

As of OpenCV 2.4.4, OpenCV supports desktop Java development. Note that this post is transported from. This tutorial will help you install OpenCV on your desktop operating system. Install the latest Java version Download the latest Java JDK from the. Now you should be able to install the last Java JDK by open the file just downloaded. Install the latest Eclipse version Download the latest Eclipse version at the Eclipse choosing the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers version (suggested).

Extract the downloaded compressed file and put the resulting folder wherever you want to. You don’t need to install anything. Alternatively, you can try the Eclipse installer. Install OpenCV 3.x under Windows First of all you should download the OpenCV library (version 3.x) from here. Then, extract the downloaded OpenCV file in a location of your choice.

Once you get the folder opencv put in wherever you prefer. Now the only two things that you will need are: the opencv-3xx.jar file located at opencv build java and the opencv_java3xx.dll library located at opencv build java x64 (for 64-bit systems) or opencv build java x86 (for 32-bit systems). The 3xx suffix of each file is a shortcut for the current OpenCV version, e.g., it will be 300 for OpenCV 3.0 and 310 for OpenCV 3.1. Install OpenCV 3.x under Mac OS X The quickest way to obtain OpenCV under macOS is to use. After installing Homebrew, you have to check whether the XCode Command Line Tools are already installed on your system.

To do so, open the Terminal and execute: xcode-select --install If macOS asks for installing such tools, proceed with the download and installation. Otherwise, continue with the OpenCV installation. To install OpenCV (with Java support) through Homebrew, you need to add the science tap to Homebrew: $ brew tap homebrew/science and effectively install OpenCV: $ brew install opencv3 --HEAD --with-contrib --with-java After the installation of OpenCV, the needed jar file and the dylib library will be located at /usr/local/opt/opencv3/share/OpenCV/java/. Install OpenCV 3.x under Linux Please, note: the following instructions are also useful if you want to compile OpenCV under Windows or Mac OS X. Linux package management systems ( apt-get, yum and etc.) may provide the needed version of the OpenCV library.

As first step, download and install and, if you don’t have any of these. Download the OpenCV library from the. Extract the downloaded OpenCV file in a location of your choice and open CMake ( cmake-gui ). Put the location of the extracted OpenCV library in the Where is the source code field (e.g., /opencv/) and insert the destination directory of your build in the Where to build the binaries field (e.g., /opencv/build). At last, check the Grouped and Advanced checkboxes. Now press Configure and use the default compilers for Unix Makefiles. Please, be sure to have installed a C/C++ compiler.

In the Ungrouped Entries group, insert the path to the Apache Ant executable (e.g., /apache-ant-1.9.6/bin/ant). In the BUILD group, unselect: • BUILD_PERF_TESTS • BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY to make the Java bindings dynamic library all-sufficient • BUILD_TESTS • BUILD_opencv_python In the CMAKE group, set to Debug (or Release) the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. In the JAVA group: • insert the Java AWT include path (e.g., /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/include/) • insert the Java AWT library path (e.g., /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/include/jawt.h) • insert the Java include path (e.g., /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/include/) • insert the alternative Java include path (e.g., /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/include/linux) • insert the JVM library path (e.g., /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/include/jni.h) Press Configure twice, and the CMake window should appear with a white background. Now, press Generate and close CMake. Now open the terminal, go to the build folder of OpenCV and compile everything with the command: $ make -j Notice that the -j flag tells make to run in parallel with the maximum number of allowed job threads, which makes the build theoretically faster. Wait for the process to be completed If everything went well you should have opencv-3xx.jar in the /opencv/build/bin directory and in the /opencv/build/lib directory.