Following is the step-by-step guide for you to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox on Mac OSX: • At first open your VirtualBox app. When VirtualBox opens, click the New button. • Give your “ virtual machine” a name (something descriptive is good, but it doesn’t matter).

Make sure the Type: is set to Linux and the Version: is Ubuntu (64 bit). Then click the Continue button. • Now you’re going to decide how much memory (RAM) you’re going to allocate to Ubuntu when it’s running, and how much to leave for OS X.

Chemistry Downloads Documentation. VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an. Select the Mac OSX machine from the list on the left side of the VirtualBox window. Click 'Start' at the top of the window. Make sure the Mac OSX ISO is in the CD/DVD drive.

As illustrated in the screenshot below, my total RAM is 4GB, so I allocated half of it to Ubuntu, and the other half to OS X. The more memory you give to Ubuntu, the faster it will run. The drawback is that OS X will have less to use while Ubuntu is running. At a minimum, give Ubuntu at 1GB (1024MB) of RAM. When you’ve decided how much memory (RAM) to give Ubuntu, click the Continue button.

• On the Hard drive screen, select Create a virtual hard drive now and then click Create. • Now select VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) and click Continue • Select Dynamically allocated and yep – you guessed it – click Continue • Give the “ VirtualBox Disk Image” a name (again, doesn’t really matter, but descriptive is always helpful). Use the “ slider” to determine the size you want to make the “hard drive” for Ubuntu. At a minimum, you’ll want to select 6GB – and that will not allow for you to install many programs, let alone store files etc. Keep in mind that because you selected “ Dynamically allocated” in the previous step, that does not mean that VirtualBox is going to take up that space right away. It means that as Ubuntu needs more space, it will allow the “hard drive” to increase up to whatever size you set at this step. As illustrated in the screenshot below, I opted to give Ubuntu 8GB.

That’s enough for the installation and to install quite a few programs. If you have a big hard drive, you might as well allocate more rather than less, again – the space won’t be used until it’s needed. After you’ve made your selection, click Create. • Almost time to install Ubuntu! Click the Start button.


• Right away you’ll be prompted to locate a file. Click the “ folder” icon next to menu that says Empty (see screenshot below). • Navigate to the Ubuntu.iso file that you downloaded. Select it, and click Open • Now click Start • As Ubuntu boots for the very first time, VirtualBox will ‘ pop up’ little messages explaining how the keyboard and mouse will work with your new ‘virtual machine’.

Read them, then click the little X to close them. Click Install Ubuntu • Ubuntu will run a quick test to ensure your computer is capable of running on it. Once it’s passed those tests, make sure to place a check in both of the boxes – Download updates while installing and Install this third-party software – then click the Continue button.