Thanks, I used an external hard drive which I had my old PC files and info store on. I'm wondering if when I tried to load the files that could have caused a problem. I just bought this Mac from a reputable seller on eBay, and I still have time to return it but it did not have these problems originally. I have my computer set to download updates but I will check to make sure it is updated. My passport for mac on windows. There are other ways to get around this problem that I have seen on the net, but some of those, I don't believe, get tot the root of the problem. This one frustrated the heck out of me because of the location of the file changes from release to release.

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If you are running the latest version of Word 2016, the location of the file is below. Simply use 'go to folder' featiure of Mac to go to that folder and move any of the files in that folder into a new folder (or delete them) and then shut down and start Word. Word will create a new file and you are good to go! ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Templates.

Is this the page for you? Word is a complex application, and I tend to occupy its wilder shores. This monologue is about the file that is the Normal Template, about where and how to find it, about how you can control what it is called and where it lives, and about some of the weird and wonderful things that can happen. I want to reset the normal.dotm template on a Mac with the latest version of MS Word (15.x.x). I found instructions on doing this on Windows here. What's the equivalent for Mac Word? Rationale for doing this is to try to avoid the problem addressed in this question.