Depending on your computer's regional settings (North America vs. EU) you might be experiencing an issue where your CSV data appears only in the first column when using Microsoft Excel.

Format usb on mac for mac and windows. Click on the Erase tab.. Step 8: You will see Format: Select ExFAT. Step 7: When you click on USB Disk you will see a few tabs.

You can use number format codes to control the display of digits before and after the decimal place. Use the number sign (#) if you want to display only the significant digits in a number. This sign does not allow the display non-significant zeros. Excel 2010 does not support Stock Connector or any other web-based add-ins. If you're using Stock Connector with a workbook and then open that workbook in Excel 2010, you will still be able to use all the normal Excel features, but the stock prices will not update. Once you reopen the workbook in a supported (more-recent) version of Excel, the stock prices will start updating properly again.

This question is a bit old, but to date it does not seem to have an answer. I've also seen similar questions on a number of sites, but have not yet found any answer that involves only built-in Excel functions. However, it is quite easy to solve this with VBA. You don't even have to know how to program to do this, because the required function is so simple.

With your workbook open, simply press Alt+F11 (to open the VBA editor) Then Click the menu item Insert > Module In the new VBA module, enter the following: Public Function FMT$(ByVal Value, ByVal strFormat) FMT = VBA.Format$(Value, strFormat) End Function What this does is simply use VBA's own Format function instead of Excel's TEXT function. This is exactly what you want. This new function will format any date (or number) according to whatever format string you specify. It will interpret the format string using the standard ( en-US) notation, regardless of the operating system's regional settings. To use this in your workbook, simply type =FMT(A1, 'yyyymmdd_hhss') instead of =TEXT(A1, 'yyyymmdd_hhss'). (Of course you can change the cell reference and format string as necessary.) By the way, you can name the function whatever you want. I chose FMT because it was short and because the function can format both numbers and dates.

But you can choose something more descriptive if you want. Just remember to use the same name in your worksheet as in the VBA code. Note that the VBA format strings are not exactly the same as Excel's custom format strings (for example, use 'n' instead of 'm' for minutes), but they are very similar.

Look for details, or search MSDN for 'Format Function (Visual Basic for Applications)'. Scroll to the bottom to see the various date format specifiers. Method 2 Another approach that also uses VBA, but might actually be easier to maintain, is the following: • Apply your desired date format to a cell, using the normal Cell Format dialog. This cell can be on a hidden sheet if you prefer--it does not need to be displayed to the end-user. Let's assume you applied the format yyyymmdd _hhss to cell $A$1 (note that the underscore must be escaped as shown).

• Add the GetFormat function (shown below) to a VBA module in your workbook. • Enter =GetFormat($A$1, TRUE) into another cell (e.g. $B$1) • That function will return the localized version of the format string.

So even though you originally formatted $A$1 with yyyymmdd _hhss, when you open the workbook on a computer using the French language (for example), the function will show aaaammjj _hhss. • Now simply reference the second cell in all of your TEXT functions. For example: =TEXT(F22, $B$1). Here's the VBA code: Public Function GetFormat$(Cell As Range, Optional ByVal UseLocal As Boolean) If UseLocal Then GetFormat = Cell.NumberFormatLocal Else GetFormat = Cell.NumberFormat End If End Function This allows us to 'inspect' the cell you originally formatted ($A$1) to retrieve the localized format-string. That string will represent the same format you applied, but it will use the correct letters for TEXT to interpret ('j' instead of 'd' for example), so the displayed value of the dates will be constant across all locales. If you wanted to use only one date format for your whole workbook, you would only need to do steps 1-4 once. Then repeat step 5 (the TEXT function) in all the cells where you currently use it, but instead of hard-coding a format, you would simply reference the cell that contains the localized format-string ( $B$1 in the example instructions).