/tell (alias '/t') - Send a player a private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key.
Oct 10, 2018 - Hi! This is in reference to this topic here: I'm having the same issue and the windowed. Sorry but I have never played this game and I was wondering if the game has voice chat or you have to use an external program.
/w - Send a player a private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key. /chathelp (alias '/chat') - List of chat commands. /em (alias '/me') - Creates an emote. /exit - Quit the game. /follow (alias '/f') - Target a player and type this.
You will follow that player. /ghelp - For a list of guild commands.
/ignore - Ignore player. The Ignore command will also ignore emotes. /unignore - Turn off ignore player. /invite (alias '/inv') - Invite a player to your party. /logout (alias '/camp') - Log out of the game. /party (alias '/p') - Sends a message to party chat.
/played - Reports the amount of time you've played the game with that character. /pvp - Enable your character to be attacked by other players in Player vs.
Player combat. /random [Y] (alias '/roll') - Generates a random number between X and Y, if Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource. Using /random will send the text to your party or raid wherever they are instead of the local area around the player that used /random. /r - Reply to the last tell/private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key. /say (alias '/s') - Send a message to people near you.
/sit - When standing, your character will sit. /stand - When sitting, your character will stand. /who - Lists the players online. /yell (alias '/y') - Yells a message to the area around.
Many players consider this to be 'spam' so use it sparingly. /#, /c, /csay - Send text to channel # (e.g.
/announcements, /ann - Toggle join/leave announcements on a channel. /afk, /dnd - Set your Away From Keyboard or Do Not Disturb flags. /ban, /unban - Ban/unban a player from a channel.
/chatlist, /chatwho, /chatinfo [channel] - List channels, or channel members. /cinvite, /chatinvite - Invite a player to a channel.
/join, /channel, /chan - Join a channel. /ckick - '/ckick ChannelName CharacterName' /leave, /chatleave, /chatexit [channel] - Leave a channel (or all channels). /mod, /moderator, /unmod, /unmoderator - Change a player's moderator status. /moderate - Toggle moderation on a channel.
/mute, /squelch, /unvoice, /unmute, /unsquelch, /voice - Change a player's permission. /password, /pass - Change password. /rw - Send raid warning text. This is only available to raid leaders and assistants.
/readycheck - A ready check sends an 'Are you ready?' Yes/No dialogue to all players in the raid.
The raid leader will get feedback in 30 seconds on all the players who were not ready or who did not respond. Only raid leaders can do this. /raidinfo - shows remaining time on saved raid instances. Also shows an ID to compare with other players (if you have the same saved ID as them, you will go into the same instance).