Any item you place in the Google Drive folder is copied to Google’s cloud storage system, allowing you to access the data from any supported device. Using Google Drive Google Drive is well integrated with other Google services, including, the cloud-based suite of tools that includes Google Docs, a word processor, Google Sheets, an online spreadsheet, and Google Slides, a cloud-based presentation app. Google Drive offers to convert documents you store in Google Drive to their Google Doc equivalents, but you don't have to make the conversion. You can tell Google to keep its paws off your docs; thankfully, this is the default setting. There are other cloud-based storage systems you may want to consider, including,,. All offer some usable form of cloud-based storage for Mac users. In this article, we're going to concentrate on Google Drive.

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• Launch your, and go to, or, Click the Download link near the top of the web page. • Scroll down and find the download options. Select Download for Mac.

• Once you agree to the terms of service, the download of Google Drive for your Mac will begin. • The Google Drive installer will be downloaded to your browser's download location, usually your Mac's Downloads folder. • When the download is complete, locate and double-click the installer you downloaded; the file is called installgoogledrive.dmg. • From the installer window that opens, click and drag the Google Drive icon, also called Backup and Sync from Google to the Applications folder. First Time Startup of Google Drive • Launch Google Drive or Backup and Sync from Google, located at /Applications. • You'll be warned that Google Drive is an application you downloaded from the internet.

• The Welcome to Google Drive window will open. Click the Get Started button.

• You'll be asked to sign in to your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you can create one by clicking the Create Account text, and then follow the onscreen instructions. If you already have a Google account, enter your email address and click the Next button. • Enter your password and click the Sign In button.

• The Google Drive installer will display a number of tips about using the app, requiring you to click through the information. • Google Drive will add a special folder on your Mac, aptly named Google Drive, to your home folder. Click the Next button. • You can choose to download Google Drive for your mobile device as well. Click the Next button.

• You can designate items in your Google Drive to be shared with others. Click the Next button.